Saturday, December 18, 2010

LB #8

Contrived Experiences are those things that are used in the class that can be a substitute of the real things which are presented in the lesson. These can be very useful most especially for the teachers because not everything is possible in presenting the lesson; not all the materials can be presented with the real things that can be found in the lesson. There are those that need substitutes for the students to picture out the learning of the lesson...

LB #7

Direct, purposeful experiences are those that a person actually does.. and it is very important to let a person experience something directly for that person to understand more about what he is doing..
In teaching, applying these Direct, Purposeful Experiences are very important in the learning of the students.. For instance, if the teacher talk about the different technologies that are being used today, the teaching-learning process will be more productive if the students will use the technologies themselves in the class..

Friday, December 3, 2010

LB #6

In this particular lesson, I've learned that there are many things to consider in presenting the lesson. For instance, when the teacher is planning to conduct an activity. Before conducting it, the teacher must first consider if the activity can contribute to the student's learning, second; the teacher must properly prepare in conducting the said activity and should also consider the use of the materials needed, third is the preparation of the students by way of orienting and at the same time encouraging them to keep them interested, fourth is the proper use of materials and checking if they're functional especially if they are mechanical in nature; in short, it requires rehearsal and proper planning. And last thing is follow up; evaluating if the objective was attained or not for the teacher to know if there was any error in the presentation of the lesson.

LB #5

In teaching, presenting the lesson without having a direct experience of the instructional materials in the student's part is pointless. Experience is the best teacher as what they say. Therefore, the teacher should let the student experience in using the concrete instructional materials and exploring them by themselves. The experience that was mentioned above can be seen in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience which shows different materials/elements that can be used by the teacher to make the lesson more understandable. The Cone of Experience is closely related to Bruner's Three-Tiered Model of learning which has steps in presenting the student the lesson and getting them involved in the activities by using different kinds of symbols and illustrations and convert them into action.

LB #4

There's a so called Systematic Approach to Teaching which shows that in teaching, there is a process to be followed in order that the instructional objective will be achieved. The focus of systematic instructional planning is the student. Therefore, the students should get involved in every activity that the teacher conducts in the classroom. And it is also very important to make use of some resources that would help the students apply his learning and let him/her cooperate in the lesson.
It is clearly stated in this lesson that the entire educational program is composed of interrelated parts. The parts should function well because one cannot function without the cooperation  of other parts. The teacher as a facilitator of learning should also consider the student's needs and level of understanding. And by the use of the new technology of resources, it is of paramount importance to let the students explore these new instructional technologies by themselves in order for them to familiarize their uses. 

LB #3

The role of Educational Technology is indeed very important in today's modern world. The teachers should not just only show the students in their classes the use of technology in presenting the lesson, but they should also let their students use the technology and give them a chance to learn by exploring it themselves. Generally, it's not just about learning to know but learning to do as well.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

LB #2

Using technology has greatly affected our lives. In almost everything we do, technology is applicable. But, I think that we should limit the use of technology in our day to day living because if we do nothing than use it, it can already affect our health. For instance, a person will just be sitting all day with his/her computer, what about other works that need manual labor? I'm not against the usage of technology in our lives. My stand is just to limit the usage of it in our lives. I must admit that technology has benefited me as a student. And when I become a teacher someday, it will be very useful in presenting my lessons to the students.
I have learned a lot in every lesson that we tackle in EdTech 1, and those learning give me better ideas...
I'm looking forward to learn more...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

LB #1

I thought at first that Educational Technology is just about using computer in class.. but during our lesson in Ed Tech 1, I have learned that the meaning of Educational Technology is something deeper... It involves the learning process of the students through technology. It is indeed a very useful learning especially for the teachers to be in near future.. And I am expecting that I will be learning more about this subject.. with the help of our teacher, Mr. Alfredo Guirit.. There is really more into this subject than meets the eye..