The word "Demonstration" is commonly used in the field of teaching. A Teacher who's not that good in demonstration will not be very effective in presenting his/her lessons. It is of paramount importance for a teacher to be a good demonstrator, for it will be very useful in handling a class. For instance, if a teacher is going to teach his/her students how to use the computer, if she/her couldn't demonstrate the steps on using the computer well, it would be very hard on the part of the students to absorb the things that their teacher is saying.
According to Edgar Dale, there are three (3) guiding principles in using demonstration as a teaching-learning experience and they are as follows:
- Establish rapport - Making the learners comfortable by keeping the demonstration and yourself interesting to sustain their attention.
- Avoid COIK fallacy (Clear Only If Known) - It is always important for a teacher to assume that his/her students know nothing about the lesson for him to be very thorough, clear, and detailed in his demonstration.
- Watch for Key points - it is the part of the discussion where the students will have some difficulties and which will be cleared and explained by the teacher.
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